First thing first: WE GOT A TITLE, EVERYBODY!
I know this probably isn't worth a whole post, but I finally managed to come up with a title! You ready?
Jean's Sweet Jams... (possibly prone to change)
And now that that's out of the way, LET'S MOVE ON TO THE OTHER THINGS!
First of all, yes. I'm still the only one that's working on this mod. B U T, I've actually got another demo of a song that should be done and up on Newgrounds by (NOT) TONIGHT! (What strange timing!)
And now, I feel like I just gotta say this real quick, *ahem* ...
This mod is being made for fun, and on my own free time. I'm still not even sure if it'll ever be playable, since I don't know a THING about coding. I can try to find out if any of my friends, or friends of friends, know anything about coding for a game like Friday Night Funkin', though. But for right now, the only things you guys are getting are Art and Music.
*phew* Glad to get that off my chest! Now where was I... Oh yeah!
I'm not sure if I mentioned this before or not in the Storm Demo, but some of the characters you'll be jamming against are gonna be either my own, or friends' (with their permission, of course). I actually have a lot of ideas for songs that fit them, so keep an eye out for some of 'em!
Anyway, that's pretty much everything I've got to say for right now. Like I said before, tune in (not) tonight for a sneak peek of a BRAND NEW BEAT! So, I'll see you guys then!
This is like a teasing a teaser more than anything